GOC gold medal in Boogie Woogie Main Class went to France

WRRC World Masters Boogie Woogie Main Class

Thomas Audon/Sophie Allaf din't stand on top of the winner's rostrum for the first time. The acting world and European champions didn't let anyone pass in Stuttgart either. With 105 points in the end result they added a gold medal to their silver medal from last year. Silver and bronze went to Italy and Sweden: William Pisani/Alice Faraone and Jonathan Haug/Emma Danielsson .

1. Thomas Audon/Sophie Allaf, France (105)
2. William Pisani/Alice Faraone, Italy (94)
3. Jonathan Haug/Emma Danielsson, Sweden (83)
4. Juho Päivinen/Mari Munne, Finland (77)
5. Florent Llamas/Roxane Vero, France (76)
6. Nild Andrén/Bianca Locatelli, Sweden (75)
7. Matej Dujakovic/Cajsa Weinemo, Sweden (74)  
