President of Tanzsport Deutschland opens 32nd German Open Championships

Heidi Estler greeted the audience at the Beethovensaal together with mayor for sports Dr. Martin Schairer.

It became quite festive at the first evening of the GOC. Shortly before 8 p.m. Heidi Eslter, president of Tanzsport Deutschland, opened the 32nd German Open Championships, which is now taking place in Stuttgart for the 15th time. GOC has a high value for the city as well as for Baden-Württemberg. Dr. Martin Schairer, mayor for security, order, and sports, didn't hesitate to welcome the guests at the Beethovensaal. 

Flanked by the German and Stuttgart's flag German champions in Junior I Latin Elias Nazarenus/Angelina Weber danced samba and cha-cha-ha, before the German national anthem ended the formal opening ceremony.

Ilka Scheible
