11/Aug/2023 - S2RS - GOC Senior II Standard Rising Stars

Organizer: GOC Tanz Event Management GmbH
Master of Ceremony: Schulze-Altmann, Mark  Germany 
Chairperson: Estler, Heidi  Germany 
Scrutineer(s): Scrutineers, GOC  Germany 
DA: Bigazzi, Gianita  Lesotho 
DB: Bohak, Branko  Slovenia 
DC: Dorogovtsev, Sergey  Ukraine 
DD: Hoang, Thu Trang  Vietnam 
DE: Korotin, Eduard  Estonia 
DF: Müller, Ralf  Germany 
DG: Perez, Siscu  Spain 
DJ: Wieshofer, Ludwig  Austria 
DK: Yoney, Gunce  Türkiye 
DL: Kremichenski, Nick  England 
DM: Mosa, Sandra  France 

Result of the Final
Rank No. Couple Country
1. 15 Martin Lutz / Katarzyna Rybinska Germany
2. 34 Remy Fuchs / Fuchs Natalya France
3. 13 Martin Soutier / Monika Rothenfußer Germany
4. 58 Dr. Julian Heubeck / Brigitte Heubeck Germany
5. 20 André Fellhauer / Dr. Britta Balliel Germany
6. 51 Alberto Consonni / Alessandra Drighetto Italy

  1st round 2nd round 3rd round 4th round Final
No. of couples danced 59 37 24 12 6
No. of couples set - - - - -

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