There was an almost equal judging team at the Juveniles I Latin competition: five ladies and six gentlemen - there aren't more…
A torn dancing shoe wasn't able to stop Marco Camarlingahi / Martina Minasi from winning.
The youth teams of six countries impressed with phantasy and good dancing at the "World Team Cup Youth".
In the semi-final and final of the Senior IV competition high-ranking visitors were sitting in the audience and supporting the…
Clear victory for Poland, Romania and Russia are also on the podium.
Sensation at the Hegelsaal: two German couples in the final.
After a fifth place in the first dance Nikita Sychev/Alexandra Solomatova caught up and won the competition over eight dances in…
WDSF Open Senior I Standard
The WDSF Rising Star Latin competition consisted of seven rounds.
Wilfried Scheible, CEO of the GOC, welcomed well-known guests at the traditional reception on Tuesday evening in the Liederhalle.